popup Paper Toy Trucks
This year I participated in the #PopUpTober2024 challenge where artists from around the world create popup creations based on a daily prompt word. I love creating paper toys, so for my creations, I designed and illustrated a series of 31 paper toy trucks complete with fun animal characters at the wheel.

Popup Mechanisms
When I developed the idea for my series, I knew I wanted the end result to be a playable toy. However, I also wanted to have a surprising reveal of the artwork. To solve this dilemma, I came up with a card base that could easily be added or removed. This also gave my popup creations the versatility to be used as greeting cards.
Each paper toy truck is folded flat and attached to the card with tabs that attach to slots in the back and side of the truck. When the card is opened, the truck can be popped off of the card tabs and locked into place with tabs on the tires.
For the purpose of the challenge, I kept the removable card simple and reusable. However, I did create a fully illustrated scene to mix it up for one of the days.
As an added challenge, I also participated in the #LightUpPopUpTober challenge where lights are added to the daily popups.
I really liked the idea of having illuminated headlights for my trucks but I did not want to have 31 batteries to power every creation. To solve this, I ended up creating a removable insert that can slide behind the headlights.
When the paper toy truck is folded flat, the wires in the circuit of the light insert are separated and the lights remain off. When the truck is popped open at its 90-degree angle, the wires in the circuit make contact with the battery to light up the headlights.
In addition to the headlights, I played around with tea lights and an old light up necklace to bedazzle my scenery.
Transforming Roads
As I created my truck collection, I also designed a variety of roads and pathways for my vehicles to drive on. There were classic roads, water roads, frozen roads, racetracks and tiled pathways. The only thing missing were intersections.
In the spirit of a popup challenge, I challenge myself to create transforming intersections. With a rotating dissolve mechanism, I transformed a dead end road into a roundabout. With a Venetian blind mechanism, I made a crossing for my roads and water.
Accessories and more
To complete my paper toy collection, I created a few extra accessories including flowers, leaves, shooting stars, and tunnel-buildings. At the end of the challenge, I brought it all together in a fun cityscape.